Two different plastic materials create a
a one-of-a-kind experience.

Interaction created by the two-layer structure

Two types of plastic materials coexist
Please note that the characteristics of the material may vary depending on the shape, design, etc. * Please note that the characteristics of the material may vary depending on the shape, design, etc.
It's only for Hybrid materials.
The POM material rim creates a sense of stability and soft feeling, while the PC material body promotes operability.
The Hybrid achieves both a soft feeling and an unshakable sense of stability, which had been difficult to achieve until now.
Try a new experience the characteristics of POM material and PC material neutralize each other.
Experience that belies the numbers
Let's end the judging based on only specs .
The light weight in the 62g range makes it unimaginably powerful, and the over 50mm width makes it unimaginably stable. In addition, the aluminum parts in the center of the yo-yo help balance the yo-yo as a whole.
Left: M( 42.4mm )
Center: Surveillance( 42.3mm )
Right: Hybrid ( 50.1mm )
Taking a serious look at plastic materials, which are often used in entry-level models, we created a high-end plastic model, a concept that had never been seen before.
Hybrid is a new generation of yo-yo.
A wide variety of colors to catch the eye
Find your favorite color.
Half-color with your friends, blend into your daily life, or choose a color with a concept.
The combinations are endless.